In our recent angularjs training in our Mumbai Andheri institute we came across favicona.k.a favorite icon.Favoriteicon is also termed as shortcut icon, website icon, tab icon, URL icon or bookmark icon and is a file containing one or more small icons needed for a website.
When we do training in our Angular classes in Mumbai we use chrome and we see the errors in console. One of the errors which keeps coming irrespective you get an error in angular code or not is the favicon.ico request error as shown in the below figure.
So what is this request and why the error?. This request is sent by the browser to the website to display browser icon on the top look at the circled section in the image. As the browser does not receive it , it ends up showing that error.
Now there are two ways of handling it:-
- The proper solution is to create an ICON and put in your web site root directory.
- If you want to disable the request in development you can put the below code snippet.
Our next AngularJs Mumbai training is on coming weekend